Numbers and distribution of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis) wintering at Bitahai Wetland, Yunnan, China
It is essential to get information of population size and distribution of endangered species. The Bitahai Wetland is one of the most important wintering sites of the central population of Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis). There is still little information about this bird wintering at Bitahai Wetland. In winters of 2004 and 2008, we conducted counting surveys covering all wetlands at Bitahai Nature Reserve and adjacent areas. Our results showed that there were about 40 Black-necked Cranes wintering in this area. Of the 40 birds, 82.5%-92.3% individuals used the Jiligu Valley, and the rest were at Northern Shudu Lake, Militang valley, Gangchaba Valley, Haitou, and Wucaicaodian.