Summer and Winter Bed-site Selection by Goitred Gazelle(Gazella subgutturosa sairensis)
Graphical Abstract
We studied summer and winter bed-site selection by goitred gazelle (G. s. sairensis) using transect method from June to August in 2007, and November, 2007 to January, 2008 in Mt. Kalamaili Ungulate Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, China. In summer, we measured 49 bed-site quadrants used by goitred gazelle and 36 control quadrants during 26 transect surveys. While in winter, we measured 75 bed-site quadrants used by goitred gazelle and 75 control quadrants during 30 transect surveys. Through comparing the characteristics of bed site quadrants and control quadrants, we found summer bed sites of goitred gazelles were characterized by plains, lower or no slope position, over 900 m of altitude, far from permanent water source, main road and human community, of higher plant density, higher herb density and higher canopy cover. In winter, goitred gazelles preferred to bed on hill, or on half-sunny slope and sunny slope, steep slope position, of 901−1 000 m of altitude, with distance of 501 to 1 000 m or over 2 000 m to main road and, near human residence, lower and middle canopy cover, snow depth of 1.1-3cm, higher plant density and herbage density. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that 4 principal components explained 86.57% of the total variance in the bed site selection by goitred gazelle in summer. First principal component in summer was positively related to plant density, herbage density, density of Stipa spp., distance to nearest human residence, distance to permanent water source and altitude. PCA also showed that 4 principal components explained 73.88% of total variance the bed site selection by goitred gazelle in winter. First principal component in winter was positively related to plant density, herbage density, density of Stipa spp. and altitude.