XU Lin-he, Philippe Rossignol. 1985. Studies on the Fine Structure of Plasmodium gallin aceum Sporozoites. Zoological Research, 6(1): 33-36.
XU Lin-he, Philippe Rossignol. 1985. Studies on the Fine Structure of Plasmodium gallin aceum Sporozoites. Zoological Research, 6(1): 33-36.
XU Lin-he, Philippe Rossignol. 1985. Studies on the Fine Structure of Plasmodium gallin aceum Sporozoites. Zoological Research, 6(1): 33-36.
XU Lin-he, Philippe Rossignol. 1985. Studies on the Fine Structure of Plasmodium gallin aceum Sporozoites. Zoological Research, 6(1): 33-36.