The Karyotype of Ichthyophis bannanica and Comparision With I.glutinosus
Graphical Abstract
The karyotype of Ichthyophis bannanica has been studied by using the preparations of its peripheral lymphocytes.The diploid number is 2n=42.The fundamental number (NF) of chromosome arms is 62.The relative length,arm ratio,and centromere position of each chromosome are listed in table 1 and illustrated in figure 1.Chromosomes 1 and 2 are easily distinguished by their large size and metacentric morphology.No.3 is also readily identified as it is a large bi-armed chromosome with one arm visibly shorter than the other.Compared the karyotype of I.bannanica with the karyotype of I.glutinosus,both species have a karyotype with 2n=42,whereas NF=62 in I.bannanica,NF=60 in I.glutinosus,chromosomes 3 and 11 are submetacentrics in I.abnnanica,but are telocentrics in I.glutinosus.