Rediscovering the Wild Population of White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes Lin) on Guangdong Province
Graphical Abstract
White cloud mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes Lin) is an endemic species.It has been listed a second-class state protected animal of China.The species was already on the verge of extinction when LIN Shu-yan first discovered it in 1932 at the Baiyunshan Mountain.Its distribution area is very narrow and only distributed in the mountain brooks of the Baiyunshan Mountain,Huadu City,Longgang in Shenzhen,Hong Kong and the vicinity of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province.It was deeply convinced to extinct in nature because there was not a report of the fish in the wild state since 1980.In September 2003,its population in wild state was discovered in a mountain puddle where spring well up and slow-move on the vicinity of Guangzhou.It likes to stay in clear shallow water with thick growth of weeds.Some basic studies have been done to wild T.albonubes on the morphologic characteristic,feed habits,habitat,growth and reproduction,and factors of endangerment and protect.