The Current Status and Habitat Use of Chinese Water Deer in The Coast of Jiangsu Province
Graphical Abstract
The present paper aims at describing some aspects on current status,distribution and habitat use of the Chinese water deer (Hydrotes inermis) in Norther Jiangsu Coastal Area.At present,the Chinese water deer distribute from mouth of Biandan River to the Bailin flood gate along the narrow coastal area in Sheyang,Dafeng,Dengtai and Haian County (27-41°N,111-122°E).The population was separated into several small groups.According to the investigation,the population size varied from 850-1523 individuals and is decreasing because of habitat loss.The sex ratio of male to female is 77.3∶100.The ratio of fawn to adult was 1.19∶1.00.Average natality is 1.53 per adult female according to investigation conducted in August.Water deer selected habitat of short grass with patches of tall grass for rest.