Study on The Correlation Between The Growing Characters of Neosalanx taihuensis and Its Resources in Lake Dianchi
Graphical Abstract
The salangid fish,Neosalanx taihuensis,has become a major export fish product in Yunnan.In order to approach steady abundant harvest of N.taihuensis with high quality in Lake Dianchi,it is urgent to set an appropriate balance point for the resources of N.taihuensis in the lake.After successive 31-month sampling investigations and applying the Von Bertalanffy growing equation,We obtained N.taihuensis growing eqs.L=6.07〔1-e-0.198(t-0.225)〕,W=1.78〔1-e-0.198(t-0.225)〕3 for 1989 and L=7.48〔1-e-0.173(t+0.064)〕.W=2.76〔1-e-0.173(t+0.064)〕3 for 1990.Based on the two eqs.We fitted out the correlations between body F=1999.36 C e-0.2045 C,and finally we deduced the resource-balance point to be 1847 t,correspondingly the body weight 1.0 g per fish;density 1.175 fish/m3,the fishing season is Aug.These results have been the goal for the Kunming Department of Fishery Management and being tested and improved in practice.