Studies on Microsatellite Markers of Four Artificially Gynogenetic Families in Ornamental Carp
Graphical Abstract
Using 8 microsatellite markers of the poly (CA) type isolated from common carp by Crooijmans et al.(1997),we analyzed four artificially gynogenetic families of ornamental carp (Cyprinus carpio L.).In the four gynogenetic families,two originated from Kohaku strain,other two from Taisho and Showa respectively.Five individuals were randomly sampled from each artificially gynogenetic family.Electrophoretic patterns showed that the 8 pairs of microsatellite primers all reproducibly produced the well-identifiable and homologous DNA fragments.The number of alleles per marker varied from 1 to 11,and the size of alleles ranged from 68 bp to 264 bp.Abundant polymorphic DNA fragments among 20 individuals were observed in electrophoretic patterns produced by primers MFW4,MFW7,MFW19,MFW20,MFW23 and MFW24.The genetic polymorphism were observed between gynogenetic families and within intra-family individuals.The phenotypes of individuals of TaS and RW1 differed from each other,and the average distances among TaS or RW1 were 0.28.The analysis of alleles and genotypes revealed higher genetic diversity among individuals of the gynogenetic families.It suggested that each color strain of ornamental carp was selected through consistent hybridization between strains and the genomes of them are highly hybrid,so it cant produce pure lines only through one generation gynogenesis.The four artificially gynogenetic families produced in this study will offer necessary samples for further studying on genetic mechanism of body color types in ornamental carp,and the microsatellite markers will provide useful tools for marker-assisted selection breeding or gene map of ornamental carp.